Monday, September 17, 2012


Switch off the lights
And reach into the darkness
Recognize the lies you’ve been telling yourself
For so long

Recognize the lines
That divide
The top from the bottom
The start from the finish
The me … from you

Recognize there is more to life
Than the material
Than the money you continuously spend
To impress people you can’t stand.
People who don’t even matter.

We should recognize the signs
That we are no longer living our own lives
But struggling under the conformity
Of society.

This society.
Unintentionally but underminingly
They keep undermining me
But at the same the same time surprising me
At how precisely
They keep hitting their targets:
The minds of our children
And all the while we sit back
And let it happen.

We sit here and wonder
Where we went wrong inside their lives
Not knowing that when your son
Started sagging his pants
And spewing out the garbage
The media has shoved down his throat
And into his digestive tract
At the tender age of eight
That he would not excrete the waste
                                                             In 2-5 days, like he just ate a piece of steak
And it wouldn’t leave his system
Within a month
Like that one time
Your mama caught you smoking
Weed in the back yard.
But it would seep into his brain
And change the way he thinks.

Change the way he walks
The way he talks
Until the kid that is now staring,
Standing in front of you
Is no longer the son you had given birth to.

Don’t be a piece of paper
That society has lain on top of you
And written everything they want you to be
And imprinted it into you

Recognize that you are not
A carbon copy
That you’re an individual
That you are special.
That you were born an original
Please don’t die a duplicate

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